Online Business Secret # 3

You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do
what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.
Anthony Robbins

Getting Paid by Vemma Business Oppurtunity

Vemma uses the Dual Line Compensation Plan, which is based on a simple two team-building concept – a left and right team. Since there are just two teams to build, this creates excitement as new Members join, one after the other, down the team lines, helping the team benefit from the volume and creating greater leverage within the plan.

This Team Building allows members to earn commissions on their personal sales and also the sales made by other people that fall under each member — no matter who makes the sale, even if they're placed by upline! Many experts have referred to this type of compensation plan as the fastest building pay plan in the industry, because it really is team work.

See the illustration above, for how Members might be placed in your organisation. It's best for each Member to build down their Outside Left Team and Outside Right Team. The best thing about the Vemma® Binary Plan, is that to qualify for Team Bonuses, each member MUST put at least one personally enrolled Member on each team, so everyone builds on both legs.

If you choose to join Vemma®, you will automatically be placed in one of your Enroller's two legs (see the diagram ). Then, you can concentrate on building both legs and enjoy the spillover of new Members and Customers enrolled by people above!

The Vemma® Compensation Plan pays out weekly, so Members have the opportunity to get paid every week, provided they have a monthly Autoship order.

This is the easiest way to describe the compensation plan:

  • There are only 2 Teams for each member to build, and each member is placed in 1 of those teams.
  • Members are paid on volume not levels.
  • There is NO cap on the number of times members can cycle.
  • Sales in the power team will remain there until membership is qualified as long as the member is active (60 volume order - that's around USD$60 depending on what country you reside in). Some of those sales may be flushed at the end of the year, in certain circumstances.
  • There is potential ‘spillover’ from upline, as Members focus on the "outside" leg of each team, as in the illustration above.
  • Members are paid a number of different bonuses weekly.

The Dual Line Compensation Plan features Different Ways to Earn Income

1. Retail Income

2. Team Building Income
3. Global Bonus Pools

1. Retail Income

Retail Income is earned through the Customer Bonus, where members are paid a one off Fast Start Bonus for first orders, and a Consistency Bonus for each subsequent order. Eligible enrollers can also earn retail profit on orders placed by Customers who are not on autoship.

2. Team Building Income

Team Building Income is developed by promoting the Vemma Business opportunity.
The following bonuses are different types of Team Building Income:

The Team Bonus

This is paid at the end of each four week advancement period. To qualify, a member must personally enrol four active members or customers, have a 120 CV autoship order and cycle at least once. The Team Bonus will automatically round up total 4 weeks earnings to $60 US.

Instant Sponsor Bonus

A one time payment of $4 paid to a sponsor upon the first order of the member below them.

Fast Start Bonus

Paid on each First order of those Members personally enrolled - between US$10 and US$120 per order.

Consistency Bonus

Consistency Bonus on each monthly order of those Members who they personally enrol - between $3 and $43 for each order.

Cycle Bonus

Cycle Bonus (2/3 PowerLeg - 1/3 ProfitLeg) Approximately $30 USD each cycle, and there is no limit on the number of cycles one can earn.

Enroller Matching Bonus

10% on all personally-enrolled Member's Cycle Bonus Check Amounts.

Second Tier Matching Bonus

10% Matching Bonus on all personal enrollees' personally-enrolled Member's Cycle Bonus Amounts

One Time Rank Advancement Awards

These are paid when a member has qualified at a new rank for TWO or THREE consecutive four week periods. The amount is between $100 and $25,000

So,what's holding you back? Join NOW

There is no security on earth, only opportunity.

Are you having second thoughts? Is fear or apprehension starting to set in?

Looking at business opportunities can be overwhelming. A while back I mentioned that my business is based on professional Network Marketing coupled with a breakthrough and easily marketable product.

Perhaps when you think of Network Marketing you think of it as being difficult or uncomfortable. I used to feel the same way. In fact, truth be told, I avoided it for many years.

It was not until I took another look at the NEW marketing opportunity afforded by the internet that I realize that my way of looking at network marketing needed a radical shift. You see, the old way of running down your neighbors, family and friends until they started avoiding you are now over.

Forget about selling or going to hotel meetings, dragging friends to mass company meetings, all that is history.

Perhaps you've tried Network Marketing before and given up for any number of the following reasons.

  • You found it too hard to talk to people
  • You do not feel like you know anyone
  • You hate talking to family and friends about it
  • You do not like to sell
  • Rejection is no fun

The internet affords you a unique opportunity to market your business with an efficiency never seen before. And all the work in building a marketing SYSTEM that is proven to work has already been put in place for you just to plug in and profit from.

You see, I'm a firm believer that you should really enjoy the business if you're going to devote your time to working it. And believe me, there's nothing like working from home, helping others learn about this miracle product and showing others how to do the same.

Here's the good news. I can introduce you to a SYSTEM that anyone can use to promote this business.


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Networking is how big businesses have been built for years. Actually, that's what I've been communicating with you, just networking; exposing you to the information you requested and want to learn more about.

All the statistics are showing us that home-based business owners make an average of $25,000 per year MORE than the national average income.

Dozens of Fortune 500 companies have already caught onto the new avenues made possible through MLM.

Now that the Internet has entered the picture, everything has changed yet again.

The power to work from your own home, ... the power to reach the entire globe, ... the power to automate your efforts!

Plus, Vemma offers a product that people want to know about and has a lot of credibility.

I would be happy to show you how this business can change your life and make things happen for you. This is an exciting time in the history of this industry and Vemma

VEMMA-Not Just Another Juice

Why Is VEMMA Different To All the Other Fruit Juice Products?

Not only is VEMMA based on the mangosteen, the greatest known source of a class of potent antioxidants called xanthones, but it stands head and shoulders above other mangosteen juices for a number of important reasons.

First, per ounce of juice, it has a much higher concentration of mangosteen than any of its competitors. Why not maximize your intake of mangosteen's health-enhancing phytonutrients?

Secondly, VEMMA also contains 12 full-spectrum antioxidant vitamins, 65 essential dietary minerals, green tea, and aloe vera. This combination of natural ingredients has been selected by Dr. Yibing Wang, MD, PhD, to make VEMMA the "finest quality, most powerful liquid nutrition program possible."

Dr. Wang's principal goal was to design a formulation to give our bodies the greatest possible protection against a range of harmful molecules known as free radicals. These unstable chemicals are constantly being ingested via the food we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe.

Antioxidants such as xanthones from mangosteen, EGCG from green tea, vitamins A, C, and E, and the essential mineral selenium-all included in VEMMA-are the body's best defense against free radical damage.

Why Take a Liquid Supplement Rather Than a Pill?

There are definite benefits in having vitamin and mineral supplements delivered in liquid form rather than by pills or capsules. The principal advantage is increased bioavailability. In simple terms this means that the body is more easily able to absorb and utilize the nutrients when they are in liquid form. Liquid supplements can be easier on the digestive system.

A Double Shot of VEMMA a Day…

Forget that old rhyme about an apple a day keeping the doctor away, a daily double shot of VEMMA's Mangosteen Plus™ and Essential Minerals™ is the real deal.

It couldn't be any easier; you simply half fill the supplied shot glass with each of the two ingredients, and then enjoy the great taste and an immediate energy boost.

What good is having beliefs and dreams if you lack the energy to fulfill those dreams and fight for those beliefs?

So, in Vemma besides wealth, you get energy to maintain your wealth.

Let's Join Our Network NOW!

Donald Trump

A few years ago, Donald Trump was on the Tonight Show and was asked what business he would like to have been involved in if he had the chance to start all over again.

His answer may surprise you.

He said "Network Marketing."

The audience laughed uncontrollably, but he stopped them dead in their tracks by saying; "That's why I'm up here, and you are all down there."

Take a look at the business model Donald Trump fell in love with by visiting our team and go get started to do this business.

I hope you're having a great day.

Join Our Network NOW !!